NAME: Walter A. Franck, M.D.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Shanghai, China
FAMILY: Wife: Linda A. Franck, RN, married 47 years
Son: Chris, married to Cay, nee Maloney, with children, Augie, Martina, and Cecilia. Homes Cooperstown and Ramsey, NJ.
Son: Patrick, married to Carina, nee Weidemann, with children Tommy and Katie. Home Cooperstown.
Son: Kevin, married to lori, nee Hidek, with children Maddie and Lottie. Home Sydney, Australia.
Daughter: Natalee. Home, San Francisco, CA.
EDUCATION: B.A. English, Yale College.
M.D. Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons
INTERNAL MEDICINE RESIDENCY, University Hospital, University of Michigan.
CLINICAL and RESEARCH FELLOW in RHEUMATOLOGY, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University.
CAREER HIGHLIGHTS: Military: Chief of Medicine, 196th Station Hospital, US Army
SHAPE Headquarters, Casteau, Belgium; Chief of Medicine, Bassett Healthcare, 28 years
Director of Medical Education, Bassett Healthcare, 5 years; Professor of Clinical Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 30 years - present; Associate Dean at Bassett Healthcare, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 15 years to present ; Co-Director of Columbia-Bassett Medical School Program, 2 years to present; Department of Health, New York State, Council on Graduate Medical Education, 14 years to present; Board of Trustees, Fox Hospital, 2 years to present.
PUBLIC SERVICE: St. Mary's Catholic Church of Cooperstown; past Chairman, Sanctuary Committee. past Trustee, 14 year.s; past member of Finance Committee, 14 years.; past Little League Baseball Coach, 3 years.; past Webelos Scout Leader, 2 years.
All village costs centers, including the police department, are fair targets for seeking cost reductions and improved efficiency.
Consolidation of services with the Sheriff's department is one of several ways to do this. Since it has been started, the analysis should be completed. It should expose all benefits and losses to the community. Other ways of achieving cost reduction should also be explored,such as what measures could be taken while retaining our current police structure. Since this issue involves such a vital service to the members of our community, if village government feels consolidation should be advanced, I favor a referendum seeking the formally expressed wishes of our constituents.
This topic, currently under litigation, involves facts which are not in the public domain. My information is derived from what I've read and from informal discussions. I do not have the knowledge required to comment. It is sad we have to devote time, energy and expense to this most unfortunate situation.
We have empty stores, a closed restaurant, a need to broaden the range of services provided by our merchants. It may seem bleak!
Nevertheless, we have opportunities available for helping us. We can develop housing on the second and third floors of some of our main street buildings. This will require finding parking solutions for tenants. Despite our local and national economy, we have successful major businesses in the community (museums, hotel, hospital) who continue to draw visitors and tourists to our village. Yet we must also try to draw more year round residents by creating affordable
year round housing options consistent with the architectural standards of our village. We could not only draw new businesses (antique dealers, computer based services) but also enable workers who travel sometimes considerable distances to work in Cooperstown.
Paid Parking in Doubleday Lot has brought in revenues for specific village use. Done properly, with due diligence to assure that revenues substantially exceed capital and operational costs, excpanding the program could be one, of several, revenue generating strategies that places the cost burden on our visitors rather than on our citizens, albeit at an inconvenience which must be clearly defined. I do not believe paid parking deters tourism. It is such a divisive issue, however, that we should explore other strategies for cost reduction (village management and government included), and revenue enhancement such as increasing our tax base by increasing our number of year round residents as our next steps.
My professional life as a physician has been devoted to addressing the health care needs of our citizens. This mission is one I can continue to address as a village official by protecting our environment from industrial dangers, such as introduced by the technology of fracking.
My 28 year administrative life as the chief of the largest department at Bassett, the Department of Medicine, has provided me with substantial experience in cost containment, revenue enhancement, personnel and facilities, management engineering, consolidation of institutions and services, program development and strategic panning. I've been a central part of Bassett's administration which is now a $350,000 organization. My Department's budget was about 10% of the whole organization. In the course of my career I've successfully dealt with many personnel conflicts which may prove to be useful in the role of a village trustee. As a political independent, and as one accountable solely to our villagers, I am well positioned to foster a spirit of cooperation.
The Village of Cooperstown and Bassett Heathcare share many services and face similar issues regarding our environment, our roads, our parking, our construction to name a few. I can provide information that enhances cooperation and communication in a way that helps all our citizens.