Philip A. Lewis

name: Philip A. Lewis
born: Cooperstown, NY
Parents: Dr. Don and Dutchy Lewis (residents for 40 yrs) Wife: Carolyn (Otsego Co. Economic Developer)
Children: Spencer, Addison and Benjamin
Education: CCS 1992 - Clark Scholar, University of Richmond BS Political Science, Depaul Law School

President of Leatherstocking Cooperative Insurance Company 2007-Present.  CPCU designation
Trustee of Pathfinder Village, Coach Youth Soccer and Baseball, Special Olympics

Police Services: I am interested in examining the possibility of saving costs on our police services where ever those costs may come from.  One of those options seems to be to contract with the County Sheriff's Department.  Many questions have to be answered before any decision on our police services is made; what are the savings? will coverage be effected? response time? and many more.  These same questions need to be answered when considering any other options available as well. 

Police Chief: I am not privy to the details of sanction nor the lawsuit so I can not intelligently comment on this.

Streets: Street and sidewalk repair remain a major issue for the village and a top priority of mine.  I feel a larger percentage of the budget should be earmarked for street repair.  This is an issue that effects everyone that lives or visits the village.  This is an area where long-term planning and solutions should be favored over short-term ones.

Downtown: We should do everything we can to encourage tourism and activity in our downtown area and support or local business partners.

Paid Parking: Initially I was in favor of paid parking, but having heard the voice and tenor of the vast majority of the public on this issue I quickly changed my mind.  Cooperstown differentiates itself from other area towns through its tourism.  Any revenue generated by paid street parking would not outweigh the loss of goodwill and loss of income to our local businesses.