Thursday, March 10, 2011

LETTER: Potts: I Will Listen To Your Views

To the Editor:
With the upcoming election for the Village Board fast approaching, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has encouraged me so far. 
It was not lightly that I agreed to the appointment from Mayor Booan just a couple of quick months ago.  It is my sincerest hope that I rewarded that show of confidence in me by representing both the village and its diverse group of residents both fairly and to the best of my ability.  I view the chance to serve as a privilege and an honor, and while I was given this first chance, I want to earn the next, from you, in the election.
As an interested resident, I have attended meetings, had great discussions and debate with both other residents and our elected officials.  Voicing an opinion is one thing, but being responsible for a vote that changes a policy or village law, is quite another.
I have not, nor will I, take that responsibility lightly.  This is especially important in the months to come as we already are and will be facing some large and important challenges that in one way or another, will impact all village residents.
Frankly, I did not feel my opinions, or a majority of others, had been heard or heeded on recent problems. In short, that is what made up my mind to accept the mayor’s appointment.  What is an elected or appointed trustee without the ability to listen and be influenced by public concern?  At the very least I would be ineffective, and at worst, I would violate the trust I ask you to place in me with a vote for village trustee.

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